整体包装设计系统 国内首创理想包装设计平台 高校包装专业统编教材《物流运输包装设计》推荐包装设计软件






文章正式稿刊登载在《包装工程》第35卷 第9期,第140页。刊登日期:2014年5月

摘要: 目的:从生态文明角度进行军品物流包装系统的设计。方法:就军品物流包装的绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展等方面的内涵进行全面分析,阐述实现减量化、再利用、资源化、环保低碳等有关的实用技术方法。使用计算机辅助设计/ 计算机辅助工程、有限元仿真分析等实用技术方法进行军品物流包装的生态设计。结论:运用生态设计方法对军用物流包装系统进行优化设计,是军工部门推进生态文明建设的关键。

关键词: 军用物流包装;生态设计;计算机辅助设计/ 计算机辅助工程;有限元仿真分析;投资回报评估
中图分类号: TB485. 3   文献标识码: A   文章编号: 1001-3563(2014)09-0140-07

ABSTRACT: Objective To design military logistic packaging system from the ecological view. Methods The intention involved in the green development, cycle development, and low carbon development was comprehensively analyzed. Practical
techniques and methods used to achieve the goals of reducing, reusing, recycling, environment protection and low carbon were
presented. The applicable technical methods of utility software such as CAD/ CAE, Finite element simulation and Return of Investment (ROI ) were used in the ecological design of military logistic packaging. Conclusion Application of ecological design
method to optimize the design of military logistics packaging system is the key for the military departments to promote the construction of ecological civilization.
KEY WORDS: military logistic packaging; ecological design; CAD/ CAE; ROI